

Pit & Fissure Sealants

Our teeth are not flat surfaces; they are crisscrossed with hills and valleys known as Pits and Fissures. These are the places where the plaque can form because they are so thin. Cavities are one of the most common problems that people face these days. This is caused by the food we eat. Cavities are caused by high acidic foods; if preventive measures are not taken in a timely manner, this can lead to further damage.

Sealing off cavities is one method of preventing further decay of teeth. Pit & Fissure Sealant is a sealant that aids in the filling of these cavities.

Our expert dentists have years of experience resolving cavity issues. We have successfully assisted patients in preventing further damage to cavities and avoiding problems associated with them.

The entire process is quick and painless. It is critical to keep the surface dry in order for the special varnish to adhere properly to the surface.

Fluoride is a mineral that is essential for our bones and teeth. It is used to strengthen enamel in dentistry. Your teeth’s enamel is the outer layer. It protects the teeth. When the enamel is damaged, the likelihood of developing cavities increases.

Fluoride helps to strengthen the enamel, which in turn helps to prevent cavities. Fluroide is good for your teeth. It aids in the repair of weakened tooth enamel. It also reduces mineral loss from tooth enamel. It has the ability to reverse early signs of tooth decay. Fluoride aids in the prevention of the growth of potentially harmful oral bacteria.

Bacteria in the mouth break down sugar and carbohydrates, resulting in acid production. The minerals in the tooth enamel are diluted by these acids. Demineralization refers to the loss of minerals. This causes tooth enamel to deteriorate. Fluoride not only helps to remineralize teeth and prevent decay, but it can also reverse early signs of decay.

It is best to follow your doctor’s advice when using fluoride products, as too much of it can cause other health issues. We advise you on how to benefit from fluoride use and provide appropriate treatment based on your needs.

Fluoride Varnishes
Fluoride is an important component in preventing tooth decay. It protects the teeth from demineralization, thereby preventing tooth decay. Fluoride varnishes are used to create a protective layer over the enamel.

Fluoride varnish is a topical fluoride that is used to keep teeth healthy. Fluoride in varnish penetrates the tooth enamel and hardens it. It prevents the formation of new cavities and slows or stops the progression of decay. When tooth decay is in its early stages, it repairs the tooth.

We make it easier to set up fluoride varnishes, which can be applied four times a year. Fluoride varnishes, according to studies, help to reduce the risk of cavities, resulting in healthy teeth.

When it comes to fluoride varnishes, we offer complete solutions and can help you find the right treatment to keep your teeth healthy.

Fillings (Cosmetic Fillings)

Cosmetic fillings have several advantages, the most important of which is their quickness. Though the procedure may take some time depending on how many teeth require fillings, when the dentist uses a direct inlay process, the filling itself hardens in a matter of seconds. This means there will be no lengthy recovery or waiting period after the procedure. Cosmetic fillings have a ten-year lifespan. Even if they do need to be replaced after this time period, it may only be on a tooth-by-tooth basis rather than an entire replacement set.

When it comes to cosmetic fillings, dentists use two basic methods. The first method is a direct filling, while the second is an indirect inlay. The dentist uses a blue light to help harden the filling in place and places it directly on the spot with the direct process.

The indirect inlay filling procedure differs slightly. It will be necessary to take a dental impression. The filling is created by casting a mould of the tooth or teeth from the impression. You will need to return for the filling to be cemented. The ease of maintenance is one of the aspects of a cosmetic filling that most people find appealing. You will not require any special tools or cleaning solutions for your cosmetic filling. You’ll only need your regular toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash. Flossing and other basic oral hygiene practises are also part of cosmetic filling maintenance.